On the third Friday of each month from September through May:
AAI holds its monthly General Membership Meeting at which a featured speaker from outside the organization presents a topic of interest in astronomy or a related field. The meeting is held on the Cranford, New Jersey campus of Union County College in either the Main Lecture Hall or in the Roy Smith Theater. See description below.
A brief business meeting is held at 8:00 p.m., and it is followed by the speaker’s presentation. There is no admission charge. All are welcome to attend, and there is plenty of free parking.After the meeting, all are invited across campus to Sperry Observatory for an informal time of refreshments, conversation, and observing. This is a perfect opportunity to meet the speaker one-on-one and to learn more about AAI from our members.
Contact Our Program Chair AAI Vice President John Sichel for more information.
Information about upcoming monthly speaker
Most Fridays (year round):
AAI members make informal presentations at Sperry Observatory beginning at 8:30 p.m. (See “Fridays At Sperry” schedule)
Presentations For Youth Groups:
By prior arrangement, talks suitable for younger audiences can be scheduled at 7:00 p.m. These presentations range in subject from Solar System objects to the constellations.
Groups are urged to contact the scheduler to confirm the availability of space.