“Four Centuries in a Weekend” history event!

Sperry Observatory will be open on October 16 & 17 from 12-5 pm, for the “Four Centuries in a Weekend” history event!

Come spend the weekend at Sperry Observatory during this annual Union County celebration of historic houses and sites. This is the first public event scheduled for Sperry this year, and we gladly welcome all visitors.

This is a free daytime event. Sperry will be open for tours, and Amateur Astronomers Inc. members will be available to answer your … Read the rest ““Four Centuries in a Weekend” history event!”

AAI is celebrating 75 years as an astronomy club! Sperry Observatory is open to the public on Fridays from 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm for observing (weather permitting). A presentation is given at 8:30 pm on an astronomy related topic.  Register at the entrance to the Observatory.